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Spokane Falls Review from Spokane, Washington • 5

Spokane Falls Review from Spokane, Washington • 5

Spokane, Washington
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FPOICANE FALLS IIEVIEw; TI.Er41)AY MORNINt1 10 1s91. 5 ALL FOR ONE CENT WILL CLMItY GET IT? NENV SUPERIOR, LIDG El he waa given a supernumerary reIti 'Linea loll hIClI. III .1.11 IT 1,4 i littiOn Well 111.11111rd 461141h1111446 Ill LIKERWOOD The Postage Stamp That C4rries a Drop Letter Polust Be a Re4 One. A Itemonstranos Against liii Appointment as Justice Will Be Circulated To-Day. 1S7) 1110 CA11141 WImt 111111 settlel iti Colonel James Z.

Moore Receives elookaue Film, then It a small voltage. Ho omeetireti ommeiiieriiiole Numerous Congraill'ations on property here, gillso it volittabitt leirm Ilis Appointment. in I int Poiloti.e coon' rv. I le AU reputation wiiirevvr known awl hie death to The Civil Calendar Will Now Be mourole.1 by ts very circle of Cleared urLaw DayIlu- irlentlio, who will eroprish him memory for iiie Manly viriths of mason Case. lit'urt mid tirt, I It 14'1111'1A W111111', sJayaat4- 11101114y for 104 Manly virtus mason Case.

heart and tile. Ile leaes a widow, The most beautiful addition to the city. The most convenient addition to the city. John Wanarmiker Wtil Take Great Patna to Co Ileet ilin Honest Dente. How lie Was Railroaded Through an Exuminution and Admitted to the Bur.

To-Day's ConventionThe Candidates and Possible ELECTRIC LINED To Run Twice Through the Park. MEMPOOMII Firstclass system of waterworlcs, with. over five miles of piping in actual use. Charming view of the whole city. To encourage home building lots still continued at the completion of his life and five Colonel J.

Z. who adult children, who hove the gym. put lily or tbe entire community in day week.eil Melia noti fication of ea the third Ple- ti UP hal perior judge of W144 at the Methodist lauernitele et II A. tho center ofattravtiou at the colins M. to-morrow.

hollso yesterday. I WA4 stirs Mit. CANNON ooxl isoxyru. rounded by a crowd of friends, till eager to congratulate him upon his Ho Witt foe a Month in bunny Caltfornm appointment. The colonel's genial Hon.

A. M. Cannon, itecompatiled lave licalned good nattiredly Upon by Mrs. Cannon and aq, and lie bore the honors race- Clarke, stsited yesttIrkitly over the fully. It will be several days yet Nort hem Paelde ror California.

Ile belore his commission arrives, anti will take the Souiliern Pacific at be will thon at once assume his Portland, and will remain for some judicial It is thought that tho newly ap- titne Itt the hfitel III pointed judge will take charge of eritliciseo. After a sojourn in the hitter city r. Cannon will probably the'probitte and chancery It IN quite likely that he will take visit the but springs at Paso nobles. Ho will return about the Ist of April. un tile civil calendar in Judge Mr.

Cannon's health has been Latigford'e court, for the present, as much Improved by his rest, Judge Langford is still very weak, and this trio lit taken for the lair-and it may be some tinio before he pose of completing the eure Hild Is able to resume bits equipping blin with his voided Yesterday was law day In Judge iteigy and power of endurance. Illakets court, and the following Throughont his long confinement, of runup were made in the different more than eighty dis7s he has been ort tient Nellie for California. Ile will take the Sou! hem Pacific at Portland, and will remain for some time at the Palace hotel in San Frandsen. After a tiojouru in the latter city r. Cannon will probobly visit the hot springs at Pasa Robles.

Ho will return about the 1st of Aprd. Mr. Cannon's health has been much Improved by his loict rest, and this trip la taken for the purpose of completing the eure equipping hint with his Vented ettetgy Mid power of ('II duranThroughont has long confinement of more than eighty days he has been and S300 Each. One-thipd Cash. jorners S-i00.

G-LAASS Sr, BYRNE Ziegler block con Riverside ave. and llowarti st. Aveuk points of his old administration are coming out. Tile most corrupt administration ever had woe during I hawer term. No ono dares that Hoover was corrupt, but the fact that he wies mayor at that tuna is having ito trO Wee holiesteverybody believes Illatinit Ito lacked backbone." IL im said that W.

A. Helm Will announce hinotelf a candidate for mayor in a certain event. Nobody iambic to tell In what event Mr. feint will consent to run. hoe eer, that hu can easily adjust himself tu circumstances.

Last lull he Walt a tO the republican convention. Thou be flopped over to the ovum-crate, and a few tlays later would up in the labor convention. Ile has not been prominently men-tinned for mayor by anybody except himself. The friends of ex-Councilman F. M.

Tli II have in circulation it Hort asking Blid to run us an independent candidate for councilman. Tull has decided to accede to trio wishes of his friends. In the absence of Thomas E. Jefferson to-days convention will be called to onter by C. A.

Molloy. MAY VISIT SPOKANE. The New Member lb. Interstate Coalmen) Commission. Martin A.

Knapp, of New York, who was recently appointed by President liarriplon to serve as a Member of the intertute coltillieltO Is a nephew of Mr. O. MeKay, of Falls. Mr. McKay Corner Pant srld Sprtialle constantly cheerful inspired wit hope for the future ofSpokane.

NVitile his ailment has been painful, and hum ineapscitated him from aotivity of his limbs, be has and entertained a oonstant $trcon of visitors, and has daily transacted a great mass of busi items. lturIdredM of friends and admirers will welcome him hack to active life and re. jolt in hit complete restoration to -health. "I consider the financial outlook as full of encouragement," be said, prior to his departure for the South. "Tbe tide has Willed, hank deposits are Increasing, and new money Is bring infused into the Chelltiele of business.

During the panic winch swept over Europe and America over a million WU With. drawn front the banks of Spokane and placed la safe ((posit vaults and otherwise withdrawn from (drculation. The owners have regained Confidence and are tired of bolding title money Where it can earn nothing. The return of this currency to Its proper channels, the inilux of new eapital nod the conatant creation of new wealth are now exerting a bentdicial effect which will prove advantageous to all lines of business. I feel that I can take it pleasure trill HOW With an absolute certainty of returning home and finding business more active and encouraging than it has been tor mouths." Public indignation has been antiowil by the extraordinary ateps taken to Olsten A.

P. Curry in the newly elected (pints) of chief of pollee justire, regardlees of the wishes of the people or the intereste of purer government. "It Is all a scheme lu the intereat of a coterio of politicians," said a prominent citizen yesterday, an ought to be tebuked. I have it up. on the best of Information that a etate hruttor from this county tent a telegrom, advising that Curry be admitted to the bar auti that lie would receive the appointment The aspirant bad to have a or au aill davit, from Wale attorney td the eflect that he had studied law for eighteen months in his of.

live. This waot supplied, I audit. formed, by te prominent ottorney, vho at first refused to make such a statement for the reason that it was not, true, but was finally persuaded to oervonte hie ecruples. The men who labored with him were uppointeti a counnitte to examine Curry and report ttpou his queliticathme for atintiesion. They were Messrs.

Turner, 'Lyda and titillate, and of course experietuNd no dittleuity in finding his legal lore perfectly setts. faetery. Prompt action haa been taken, and tiovernor Laughton has been nsited to delay the appointment until the wishes of the people can be learned. Tile scheme is laid at the door of the lion. S.

C. Hyde by the knowing ones about town. Mr. I Lytle is credited with lofty and honorable IsilItIsat ambitions, and who, as one matt pat it yesterday, "Is so redliot sifter harmony that be feels like holding an all.routtli love feast and making room for all the boys." "I am very much dimappointed It SUM," paid another prominent gentleman Sunday, hose friend-plop few care to disregard. "I have Ito fault to find with this ambition so long as it does not Interfere with the welfare of this city, but these cembipations anti deals are ruining Our political and material Ve have lost the agrieultural and school forever, railread legieletion ham gone unjustly against Its, tool the farmers, who watts to see their wheat ground here, and now tills Curry deal caps the climax." A remonstranoe against the appointment of Curry will be circulated

NEW GOODS. An ingenlows but Ignorant fltrIHItIL Of Fil day. No warrant Int issued, for the (Mender anti the complaining Witness are the wane poison. The man vas one of all army who have ilu va nee tigal it John Wan. iiniaker's postai system.

lie ex-reefed letters front home arid all-riot himself to leanness wondering why they didn't mine. At last lie conceived the Idea that SlitiW Wit4 ti) tlLIJ1o, tttht determined to play (ittleetive. Ile sent a decoy drop letter, addressed to hints.ilf, through the office, but put on It the histillieent amotintot 1 cent postage. When Int called at the indow he received a notification that ft awaited hilli at tilt, WitilloW that to(inhvil an extra cent to reileitni it. "It's the lay experted," he whispered, as lie waltAell Into Mr.

Shaw's desk and lid a cent. Tile letter that he received was the one he had written himself. Ho asked the authorities to take he letter and return his money, but they du- "Title only Illustrates the ranee of grime pimple concerning the postal said the postmaster ha Oa door dosed behind his disappointed patron. "The itiv requires that letters shall be prepaid at Iist one rate of positive. In delivery offices the least rule is LI cents.

The ironble that the government goes, through to get its lumpy shows the method that characterizes all of Its operations. "As soon 54 we get ft letter that la unstamped we notify the person to whom it Is toldretetted. Then, after waiting asufficient time it is sent to the dead letter Wilco and lima her anti licit ion mint out. "It often happens that people refuse to take their Iclers out, the first time, and afterward Pend for the same' one to the dead leiter (Alive." The rata of speed attained by the num Iilo cancels postage stamps was demonstrated to be ihri a minute a few days ago. Thia wonderful gait has been at- tailied by the cultivation of a oils tear that letters will be too lute tor the trains.

The Mork IN a pious yousig Mall, but it is a trial to him when he collies neroms a letter that is stamped in the lower lett hand corner. The force lost In the friet ion of stopping and turning the letter and starting again is est limited at twenty volts, each one or which would be sufficient to stamp a let- ter. "There Is a comtnon error that the public sometimes falls into," said Mr. SilaW. "It is the pernicious habit of using a I-cent stamp On a drop letter.

We are very partietilar about small matters, and if the extra (tent is forthcoming the letter does not reach its desthiation. One would be surprised if he knew Ito amount of mail that Is sent to the dead letter ()flis tweet's It lacks that neceaaary I mitt." The bugbear of the carriers is the duplication of the names of streets, and the failure or people in lands to put the points of the coin-pass on the address. "A letter addreAsed to 2,701 Sprague might necessitate a trip to both ends of that thorough. fare," Pays one of the a renieniber-the-poor-carrier expremion oil his inoriiie brow. SPRING SEASON, Spring Jackets, 1'rap3, Conamera; Ett of ittiest New York Myles.

Jumt received. New goods are now being received daily in each figment. Ali to bo aold at the LOW. Eel CASH PRIcEs. loalcs When) in all the great West will you buy dry goods as cheaply as in Spokace? OTII ER Where In all Spokane will you buy NEW, CLEAN, FIRST CLAsS GOODS as cheaply as at TILE CRESCENT? any tumours MU tieing mist to elm The civil calendar for March this eity during the guninwr.

Com- woo bk. meriting upon this appointment tbe In the ettee of the state vv. Oeorge New York Tribune insid: Short, which was tried before a Jury Upon the confirmotion of Mr. Knapp Nig, Saturday, a sealed verdict vas -of which there is not the slightest returned, finding the defendant not doubt-he will take las place ut ii I --') -II- guilty of the charge of highway commission now occupied by Atigusols bchoonnutker. The terru of Mr.

tichoon. 1.1)1)1'11.3 milker could not have expired, in the in tile came of the state vs. E. F. ordinary course of things, until next HUniason, the defendant was given month.

be having been appointed by Until lieSt Monday to file a motion President Cleveland for a four.year term for a nevi trial. on March '23, lail7. But, inasmuch as it IL J. Holtman vs. H.

Cox et al. is desirable that such important floral-. uo gineut for plaintiff at nions as that of a member of the in. James Morris Ye. John V.

Mc- aeratate COninierC coinniission should toe continued by the senate before it ad- Quiston. Judgment for plaint plums, it is more thin likely that the Rupert Hand vs. W. IL Lynch. president frit it his duty to anticipate Demurrer to complaint suetained.

by a few days the expiration of Mr. Leave granted plaintiff to amend sehootimaker's terra of nice. Mr. complaint. Schoonmaker having been appointed as W.

A. Lewis vs. Augunt Schulze. a democrat. and Mr.

Knapp being a re-lotion for a default overruled. publican, the noniination made by the president to-day will reverse ihe political Spokane Mill Company Va. S. J. complexion of the COnintibBiOn, and in- Holland.

Demurrer to complaint stead or there being. as heretofore, three overruled. democrats to two republicans upon the Suksdort V. Demurcommislion, it will hereafter contain rer to complaint overruled. three republicans and two democrats.

lianutier vs. Urquhart Brow. Dens excellent Judgment of the presi. dent in the selection of sir. Knapp is murrer to complaint overruled.

acknowledged by everyone se quainted Aliller vs. Reed. Case taken uuwith the nominee. The candidacy of der ntivisement. Mr.

Knapp had the cordial support ol Oliver Bros. vs. C. A. Cole et al.

many prominent members of the Near Demurrer of Cole, Henri and Rich-York bar. AMON the occupants of the en bach overruled. bench lie received the conimendation of Hyman A. Ta, Barnum. such noon as Judges Andrews and Val.

ft on I 1 I Haunt allowed to be taken dr lace. The republican members of the house of represe ntatives from New York away by Turner raves to be rearealt in the hiehest terms ot him. turned as soon as possible. Vice President Morton and benators Bishop vs. McClintock.

JudgEverts and Hiscovk recommended him of the Juleice el the pence re-warmly for tho place. Indeed. it is no versed and judgment entered secret that Mr. Knapp had in his towns- against plaintift man, the plain senator from Now York, Schulze vs. Reeves et el.

Leave a devoted champion, and that it is to his efforts, sitcom led by those of another Oven till March 12 for defendant to Onondaga man, Representative Belden. nie.iti. that the new COMnintlinner owes in Leonard ve. Davis; demurrer to large measure the succeasful issue orbit; complaint overruled. candidacy.

Mary A. Voeth vs. Hunt, Dart tt Mr. Knapp is a resident of Syracuse. Motion to number paragraphs and has lived in Onondaga county all lu comniaint overruled.

his life. He is a lawyer of experience, and of more than ordinary attainments. Butterby vs. Lewis; motion for a Public office he has never held, if a brief default overruled. term as city attorney be excepted.

Ho Hyde Itt4. Carpenter; demurrer to is in the prime of life. being about 40 complaint overruled. years of ago; and his Intends may look State vs. Bailey, charged with forward, therefore, to a long and useful burglary; set for March 10.

career for him in his new place as a State vs. Heenan and Dwyer, member of the interstate commerce commission. charged with buiglary; act for March 11. HE WAS MISREPRESENTED. Jonoa Rogers vs.

C. W. hie et default or A. M. Anthony Consids a the Report.

Norman W. Hudgins and Louis Aan" Rim of Ltttls NVelsenhoru admitted to citizen. Mr. A. M.

Anthony, treasurer of ehtp. the Merchants' Protective Union, civil Calendar. who arrived in this city from Port- March. land early Sunday morning, was I 2a-Spoor Steele vs. Carnahan t2 Ilit5---v ilson vs.

Boughton 12 much eorprised at the rumors which vs. NPIVnilin tt FOX 11 have been circulated about him dor- AIS-Bacon vs. DeLong 12 tog his abeence. He stated yeller- 601-1)avid Bros. VS.

Haas tic reirce 14 day that they were entirely without 243-Waugh vs. Hotchkiss 723- Lien vs. Boo lit 17 foundation and arose through ride- 905-11aritwell vs. Ziegler 17 representationsmade by a merchant 710- Lewis vs. Schulze 19 of this city at a meeting or the Pro- 2743-i4irkenstock vs.

City of Spokane tective Association held during his Fuile 10 absence. nalMorris vs. King Co 'A) Mr. Anthony does not consider e63-Bradish va. City of Spokane the reports of enough account to kaliN 20 give them serious thought.

1177-A. P. Rotating Co. vs. C.

nt intends inducing hint to visit this Pity during the auninwr. Comnwnting upon this appointment tbe New York Tribune said: Upon the cordirmetion of Mr. Knapp ol which there is not the slightest doubthe will take the place upon the commission now occupied by bchoonninker. The terru of Mr. liclicion'Luker Quid not have expired, in the ordinary course of things, until next mouth, be having been appointed by President Cleveland for a foursleau term on March '23, Isa7.

But, inasmuch as it is desirable that bitch important nominations as thst of a member of the in. COninierC coruniission should lie continued by the lielisitO before It adjourns, It is more than likely that the president telt it his duty to anticipate by a few days the expiration of Mr. Schootimaker's term of Mr. Schoonmaker having been appointed as a democrat, and Mr. Knapp being a republican, the noniination made by the president to-day will reverse die political complexion of the COntillibsiOn, and instead of there being.

as heretofore, three democrats to two republicans upon the commisalon, it will hereafter contain three republicans nod two democrats. The excellent Judgment of the pretti. dent In the selection of Ildr. Knapp is acknowledged by everyone at quadded wait the nominee. The clintitilacy of Mr.

Knapp bad the cordial support oh many prominent members oh the Net York bar. Among the occupants of the bench lie received the conimentletion of such men as Judges Andrews and Wei. lace. The republican members of the house of representatives from New York speak in the hiehest terms oh him. Vice President Morton and Senators Evans and Hiscock recommended him warmly for the place.

Indeed. it is no secret that Mr. Knapp had in his townsman. tbe Joillor senator from New York, a devoted champion, and that it is to his efforts. seconded by those of another Onondaga man, Representative Belden.

Out the new COMMIllinnor owe. in large measure the succeasful issue of his canditlace. Mr. Knapp is a resident of Syracuse. and has lived in Onondaga county all his life.

He is a lawyer of experience, and of more than ordinary attainments. Public, office he ties never held, if a brief term as city attorney be excepted. He Is in the pritne of life, being about 40 years of age; and his Intends may look forward, therefore, to a long and urieful career for him in his new place as a member of the interatate commerce commission. 723 Dim vs. Roe 17 106l3ttritWeli WI.

Ziegler 17 710 Lewis vs. Schulze 19 2743-14irkenstock vs. City of Spokane Fulls. 10 nalMorris vs. King Co 463Bradish vs.

City of Spokane 20 FaliN I177A. Rotating Co. vs. C. Wilson 21 NEW COOOSI MI Echo answers, WHERE? I Echo answers, WHERE? 1 I Comstock Paterson.

IT WAS A STAG PARTY. The Young lIsn of the Y. M. C. A.

He'd t.nth Last Night. The stag was not at bay last night at the Y. M. C. A.

parlors. More than a hundred young men made themselves feel at home there last night, enjoyed themselves to the fullest extect, locked horns with the gymnasium and feasted. The coffee was made by the young men, and it did not lack in flavor. The programme consisted of the following: Club swinging, by Professor Brett, who has ebarge of the gymnamiuin; a cornet solo by W. B.

Chamberlain, and reading of selected bketelies by C. E. tole. A MAIO of Messrs. Mendenhall, Smith, Weekly and lioneke, sang at intervals during the evening.

One.of the teatures of the atrair was an hour's tussle with the various exercises in the new gymnasium room IrtTREED5 vivAz-tfttg, KLAN of a good uses SAPOLIO. it is well mouse is muzzled in her house7Tryitand.keep your house cleeknAll grocers keep it-Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable 'home.

Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAP01.10 and you will be surprised at your success. 1 RE EC kJ 1-D1 THE HUBSIDY. A Committee Meting at the Tioard of Trade Rooms. The committee appointed to raise a permanent subsidy fund for the purpose of estabikhing manufacturing indttstries met at the chamber of commerce rooms last night. An enthuslaitic meeting was held and two committees wero recommended to the chamber of commerce which will meet on Wednesday night in open SCS110il.

One of the committees was an appraising cmunittee anti the other executive. The board of directors of the chamber meet to-night. FOR CHARITY. The Lades Benevolent Sometv Watt an Lntertainment The musical entertainment to be iveri by the Ladles' Benevolent society on Saturday, the Ilth, at the Auditorium, is the coining event. It Oil contain many of the features the Kirmess.

(In Wednesday the Lox thee will be opened. Yeshrday the boys who will en-tertian in a ballet dance on the occasion, held a dress rehearsal. In spite of all the ingenuity of the hidie In charge, the muslin mysteries perplexed the boys more than the inuitiplication table and one of them fastened his corset on upilde down. Ilia was a bard lot. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

332Chnpman vs. Nolnn 24 915Woodruff vs. Cascade Insurance Company 21 703Daniels vs. Wilson 25 671Washington Stone Company vs. Bump Routh.

25 12A3Paine vo. Milier 26 25-11rove vs. Allen 26 vs. Dyer 27 Richmond vs. Stein Maher vs.

Steitt 27 THZ DEAra RECORD. HOLLEY, MASON, MARKS JOBBERS AND DETAILERS OF ABOUT THE CITY. Hardware, Stoves, Houso Furnishing Goods, and Plumbers' Materials CONVENTION. Gossip CanildwsA Guess at ta Result. The delegates elected to the peo, ple's convention will meet in the council chamber at 2 o'clock this afternoon and nomittate a ticket.

Although Mr. Hoover has numerous friends among the delegates, It is stated positively that his name svill nut be presented to the convention, but that smother convention svill be called in his interest later on. Neither will Judge Bettie' mute figure to any greet extent in today's picnic. "Bettis is up to said a Uf41-known ex-city oftitial yes. terday.

lie is the smoothest poi-'debit) in this town, and at the preper time he will spring something that will astonish the natives. lie will not go before either convention. Ile wants to see both Fotheringhain and Hoover nomlumen and then lie will come lit Independent. Ile could not heat either one Of them single-handed, but mark my word, ir it comes to a three-cornered fight, Judge Bettis vitt he the next mayor of Spokane Fails. The vote of the better elemeet will be divided between Fothcrinitham and Hoover, and Pettis will walk away with the prize." While there is some talk of a derk horse, the Indications are that Alderman Notbolun will Ito Mr.

Fotheringhein's only oprement to-day's contest. While It la generally admitted that Not hohm stands no earthly chance of securing the nomination, it is Paid a tolerably strong delegation front the east end, headed by J. S. Fry, will support him in toAbly's eon von don. tither candidates before the eon.

ventien will be: For eomptroller, Theodore Reed end 1. C. Lioby: for treasurer J. S. Watson, J.

Eard- ly and C. E. Newton; for asbetstior, J. B. Sargent, John eorge E.

Spoor, T. Foster, W. A. Woodruff and J. Bolssonnitult; for attorney, P.

F. Quinn, Ike K. Ilevelle, W. E. King, C.

A. Molloy and M. Johnson. A i ell known local noliticiaa, who iti among the originators of the evil for the convention, anti who Int4 efillinted a majority of the NVa.I asked by a ItEviEw representative last night' to IMMO the nominees of to-day's convention, and he did so without a moment's hes' idiom I lore they are: For mayorI). B.

Fotheringbaro. For comptrollerTheodore Reed. For assessorJohn Nestor. For city attorneyIke H. Po.

vette. For treasurerJ. S. Watson. The gentleman subsequently ad-mated that be might miss his guess on the nominees for assessor and attorney.

The air was full of gossip yesterday over the probabilities of to-day's convention and the WU mato result of the coining election. "Fotheringhani will be the next mayor," said one of the candidates tor an appointive olliee. "He is possemed of sound businem bense, and rid poll a Strong vote among the working classes, whose firm friend he has always heed. Ile worked himself up front a carpenter's bench, and the working people will stand by him. Besides, he will get the vote Of the better element." Another said of Hoover: "Re is getting weaker all the time.

'lite FROM F. T. SHERMAN. An Appreciative Letter to the Cale. Sooteti.

The seerctary of the Caledonlin society yesterday received the following letter from P. T. Sherman, son of the late Oeneral William T. Sherman: No. 75 West SeventyFirst et New York, latioly of General Sherman are profoundly grate.

fill to the Caledonian Fociete of Spokane Falls, for their expression of conitoleiwe in the great sorrow whiel; is now theirs through the 4hath of their fattier. On hehalt of the fait l' T. t311ERMAN. To the President society of Spokane Falls, Wash. mssanets on Skttss.

There will be a hat masque on roller skates at the Concordia skating rink this evening. A tingat ottsdse. W. H. Bert was arrested last night for having in his possesion a certificate of indebtedness to the lost cause.

Met Footpads. 'Washington Marshall met foot, pads Sunday morning who relieved him of his pipe, money, watch and chewing tobacco. John bmith Arrested. John Smith's name is on the prison recirter. He is charged with the crime of having thrown a stone through a plate glass window in the Bettie block.

AGENTS FOR THE Royal Furnace and Richardson Boynton Heating Apparatus. STEAM HEATING A SPECIALTY. '20D TO 213 HO-WARD STREET. The Blood A Numbly, Reported in the City Yes. terday Henry Moon died at Rocky Ford Maruh 5.

He leaves a wife and child, father and mother, sister and five brothers to mourn him. The following deaths occurred in the city yesterday: The infant son of P. J. Donahoe died ef diphtheria. Owen Richards died at his home.

He was 83 years old. The funeral will be hell to-day from 606 West Fifth etreet. Godfred Lasson, au infant, died yesterday afternoon. Famine Cook died at 625 Mallon streeL yesterday. WERSONAL Mn.

A. O. Webb has returned from a visit to Oregon. Samuel Douglaes left yesterday for Chietigo, to be gone a fortnight. II.

B. Wadsworth and wife have returned from an extended visit to California. Jesse 'Arthur left last night for Sprague, to prosecute several ejectment gulls. Samtiel I. Silverman, the well known mining man, arrived yesterday from Philliptiburg, Mont.

Rev. A. O. Wilson will lecture on "The History of a Girl" before the Methodists of Sprague this evening. Thomas E.

is In Portland attending a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Baseball League. Captain Thomas W. Symons, Untied States corps of engineers, is sick at the residence of Oskar Huber, Fifth and Stevens streets, and has sent for his chief clerk. Miss Annie Broch, of Waterville, and Miss Staley, of are studying music at the Spokane Conservatory of Music, under the instruction of Professor Mueller. Joe Young, who once edited the Spokane Weekly News, and who is now engaged in handling real estate and mines, with headquarters at Taeoina, is in the city, and will go to Colville to-day on mining bustIlePS Dr.

Libby has rentotied to Chamber of Commerce, corner Rivertide and btevens. DEATH or A PIONEER. Hee. Shinn en Suddenly of Pneumonia. Another of Spokane', best known and, most upright citizens has passed away.

Rev. James Shinn died at his residence in Union Park at 12:10 on Sunday morning, March 8. He had been ailing for only a short time and many of his mast lutimate friends had not heard of his illness until they were shocked by the report of his death. His dkease began with a tievere cold, which developed into a matte-fleet type of pneumonia. His family carefully nursed him, hoping for his epeedy recovery, but the disease assumed a form which baffled their ere and the skill of his physicians.

Mr. Shinn was born at Clarksburg, August 80, 18'22. He became converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church at the ago of 12 years. Possessing an ardent nature he soon became an active worker and at the age of 15 years he was appointed leader of a class. In 1840 be removed west and settled In Quincy where he tided for many years.

His active Christian life soon led him into the ministry. He spent ten years of his life in the itinerant work in what was then the wilderness of the Weal, nad with his brother, Rev. Samson Shinn, aided materially in planting Methodism throughout Central and Western Illinois, being with such Christian heroes as Peter Cartwright. Mr. Shinn, received his as traveling deacon from Bishop Edward S.

James, at Kankakee, on the 4th of 1859, on the recommendation of the Peoria annual conference. He was ordained an elder by Bishop Lewis Scott, at Springlietd, IlL, on the lith of October, 1863, on the recotnmendation of the Illinois annual conference. After years of netiveservice in the miulatry his health failed him and ALONZO M. MURPHEY CO. Is the souree of health; therefore, to keep well, purify the blood by taking liood's Sarsaparilla.

This medielne te peettliarly designed to net upon the blood, and through that upon all the organs and tissues of the body. It a IA pee i tie action, also, upon the ecretiun and excretions, and assists nature to expel from the systAun all humors, impure particles and effete matter, through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin. It effectually aids Weak, impaired, and do. blittated organs, Invigorates the nervous system, tones the digestive and Ms. parts new life and energy to all the tune.

Dons of the body. A peculiarity of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is that it atrengthens and builds up the system while it eradicates disease. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Skit Ileadaehe, Liver Complaint, Catarrh, Rheumatism, are cured by TO Three Burg 'erten. The residence of J.

N. Koontz, 215 West Fourth street, was burglarized Elaltualay night. The Coney Island saloon was ransacked by thieves, and the house of Janie?) Crowley, 313 West Fourth street, NVOS tapped by nefarious night prowlers. villains are still at large. Athlet Club Meeting.

A special inceting of the Athletic Association will be held next Saturday evening in the club rooms. when a full report of the condition of the up to date will be submitted by the present offieers of the club and new officers will be elected to serve the ensuing year. Publto Lands. The entries at the land office yesterday were as follows; Homestead Thomas Taylor, of Chester, on the southwest quarter of section 10, township 21, range 44. John B.

Waters, of Spokane Fails, on the east half of the no thWest quarter of section 12, township 21, range 41. Final entry ABA made by V. W. Johnson, of liesseitine, on the south half of the northeast quarter and lot 2 of section 3, townolup 27, range 32. SYMONS BLOCK, col; Howard and Sprague.

.0 Hood's Sarsaparilla tiold be iriiggIat I six tor S. Prepared by C. 1.1100D Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa, 100 Doses One Dollar, HALE EASSON, Exclusively Wholesale Grocer3 WELLS' PUGET MO LINE. Con Railroad avenue and Mill street. A Full Line of Fine Domestic Cigars at Very Close Prices.

Cheap Rate. and Prompt Dispatch. Imiding freight on Northern Paola.) EL U. Whairt at fileoina maiiirr JEANi toads at Ben February itril; sails CUAS. U.

Whi.1.8, IQ California 8 F..

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